Bristol Community College was the site of a national effort to reduce driving under the influence of alcohol through the Save a Life Tour, a national drunk-driving prevention program, held on October 25, 2006. The program was jointly sponsored by the Bristol Community College campus police, the Student Life office and CORE. Drivers were invited sit behind the wheel in front of 225 degree computer-generated window that shows what it is like to drive with increasing effects of alcohol. The intent of the simulator is to demonstrate the importance of taking the keys away from intoxicated drivers. In 2003, 44 Massachusetts teens were killed in drunk-driving accidents. Bracelets imprinted with "I'll take the keys" were handed out to participants. The Save a Life Tour is the product of "edu-tainment" simulation maker Kramer International, Inc. and FAAC, Inc. The CORE program is located in Room G208 and staff can be reached at 508-678-2811, Ext. 2760 or by e-mail at


(Top row, left) Students gather around the simulator in the Commonwealth Center lobby. (Top row, center) Save A Life Tour manager Chris Geysbeek gives instructions to BCC student Nick Watts  in the driver's seat as tour technician Jonathan Wilson looks on. (Top row, right) BCC student Andrew Furtado of Middletown talks with Chris Geysbeek about experiences he has had dealing with friends who were too impaired by alcohol to drive safely. (Middle row, left) BCC students Derrek Tiago, John DaCosta and Ryan Valadao, all of Fall River, observe other students using the simulator. (Middle row, center and right) Wiliam Goldbert drives a simulator until he crashes and gestures to Nik Baccelli behind him. (Bottom row, left) Fall River Public Television Director Keith Thibault interviews Jenna Daum, Coordinator of BCC's CORE program who helped to sponsor the program. (Bottom row, center) May Institute Director Janet Shartle, Kristie Lienczewski and Adam Souza, representing BOLD, handed out ribbons for the red ribbon campaign. (Bottom row, right) BCC student Alan Lameire looks over the real casket reserved for the next victim of a drunk driving crash.

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