More than a dozen representatives of key sectors of the city were invited by BOLD to two strategic planning team meetings held at the Boys & Girls Club on May 17th and 31st, 2006. The meetings used SAMHSA's strategic planning framework to plan a community-wide substance abuse prevention planning event currently scheduled for later in the year. This event is intended to develop a city-wide youth substance abuse prevention plan. Participants reviewed data on youth substance use, community resources and possible intervention strategies to prepare for an effective planning process. For more information about this process, contact Katy Dutille, Community Health Specialist at the Southeast Center for Healthy Communities, or Susan Wolfson, Parenting Wisely educator and BOLD staff member at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources.

(Top row, left) Jenny Rulison, acting director of the United Neighbors program, makes a point about substance use among Fall River during the discussion. (Top row, center, from left) Director of the Fulton Project Roger Bourassa , BJ Valente of the Family Service Association, Susan Sterrett of the Fall River Schools, Jenny Rulison, Joanne Camara of the Health First Family Care Center, UMass alumnus Josh Frias, Amy Curry of Hospice, Parenting Wisely and BOLD, and O Jornal editor Ric Oliveira join in the discussion. (Top row, right) Katy Dutille, Community Health Specialist at the Southeast Center for Healthy Communities, leads the discussion of the components that make up the community. (Middle row, left) Bristol Community College Tutoring Coordinator Ron Weisberger watches Jenny Rulison place her "vote" for critical factors that contribute to substance abuse in Fall River. (Bottom row) Ric Oliveira and Joanne Camara share a lighter moment in the discussion. (Bottom row, center) Susan Sterrett, Angie Snell of First Baptist Church, Josh Frias, and Suzanne Raposo of the Girl Scouts of Southeastern Massachusetts meet in a small group. (Bottom row, right) Ron Weisberger summarizes the discussion.

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