Members of the Greater Fall River Child Protection Council met at McGovern's Restaurant on November 1, 2006, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the organization. Formed in 1976 as a project of the Clinical Social Work Department of St. Anne's Hospital, the Council discussed issues and problems related to the network of children's protection care. Early committees were developed to give support to parents having difficulty coping with the demands of raising a family and becoming good parents. An Education Committee of the Council developed an annual educational program that brought hundreds of human service professionals, teachers, police, parents and concerned citizens together to learn how to better serve parents and protect children. The event brought over sixty current and former members of the Council together for an anniversary celebration. Tom King, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Children's Alliance also addressed the group. For further information about the Council, contact newly-0elected Chairpersons Stephanie St. Onge at South Bay Early Intervention or Desiree Pero Gillpatrick at St. Anne's Hospital.

(Top row, left) Council Secretary Terry Bernardino of CFC Head Start greets Lee LeBlanc Corrigan of CFC Family Planning. (Top row, center) Chairperson Stephanie St. Onge welcomes people to the celebration and invites them to help themselves to the breakfast buffet. (Top row, right) Corrigan Mental Health Center Director of Child and Adolescent Services helps himself to the buffet table. (Middle row, left) Chairpersons Cliff Wright and Stephanie St. Onge presents Lynda Codega, widow of James Codega, Clinical Director of South Bay Mental Health and an active Council member, with a plaque commemorating his work. (Middle row, right) St. Anne's Hospital Social Work Department Director Mary Cochrane with hospital president and CEO Michael Metzler accepts an award for the hospital's sponsorship of the Child Protection Council over the past 30 years. (Bottom row, left) Corrigan Mental Health Center psychologist David Weed shares his perspectives on his early years with the Council. (Bottom row, center) Council Chairperson Cliff Wright of the Fall River Police Department offers a description of the Council's achievements. (Bottom row, right) Council Treasurer Terry Bernardino reflects on the history of the Council.

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