Bob Dempsey oversees the preparation and serving of over 7,500 meals to the 11,000 students throughout the Fall River Public Schools each day to ensure that students have the nutrition they need to perform well in school. Many students eat both breakfast and lunch at the school, as all elementary, middle school and Durfee High School children now receive a free breakfast consisting of cereal, milk, juice and bread every morning. Free or reduced-fare lunches are served to 65% of the students. Non-subsidized lunches are available for only $1.20, one of the lowest prices of all public schools statewide. (Peanut butter sandwiches are even available to students who forget their lunch money.) Mr. Dempsey has been gradually making changes in the menu to conform to new nutritional guidelines. Reduced fat milk, 100% fruit juice, and bottled water are now available at all schools. "We have never offered soda in our schools, including from vending machines," notes Dempsey. He is gradually introducing whole wheat bread, whole grain pizza and fewer foods with trans-fats as well. "We have never had fry-o-laters; French fries are always oven-baked. We're also looking at adding a salad bar," he adds. Mr. Dempsey serves on the committee developing new system-wide Wellness Guidelines for nutrition and fitness throughout the schools.

(Top row) Mr. Dempsey oversees the preparation and serving of 7,500 meals each day at five kitchens located at Kuss, Talbot and Henry Lord Middle Schools, Silvia School and Durfee High School. Hot meals are then distributed to the other schools in the system. (Middle row) Maria Valorosa and Fatima Melo (left) and Hilda Mathias and Rosa Carreiro (right) greet students going through the line with a big smile. (Bottom row) Water (for 50 cents) and fruit juices (for 75 cents) are offered instead of soda along with low-fat milk for a quarter.


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