HealthFirst Family Care Center sponsors a Walk Off Winter walk to help staff, clients and neighbors shed extra pounds and get ready for summer. The noontime walks began on April 18, 2006, and continue every Tuesday through June 20th. The staff of the Center, which provides care for a variety of medical and dental conditions, want to do everything they can to help people prevent as well as treat a variety of medical conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, diabetes and some types of cancer. All of these conditions can be prevented, delayed or improved simply by walking for half an hour per day. The Center-sponsored walks offer local residents a fun, social and safe way to get this type of regular exercise. Anyone is welcome to join. If there is continued interest the walks can be extended. For more information about the walks, contact Paula Harrison at 508-679-9376, Ext. 204.

(Top row) The group heads out on County Street where HealthFirst Family Care Center is located and head toward Lafayette Park, about a half a mile away at Eastern Avenue. (Middle row, left) Health First staff member Joanne Camara, Interpreter and outreach worker Samoeun Pech and Center nurse Dorothy Szulewski enjoy the noontime walk. (Middle row, right) Neighbor Dorothy Rogers was glad to join Dorothy Szulewski and Samoeun Pech for the walk which took them back down Pleasant Street. (Bottom row, left) Center Registered Dietitian Lois Peterson rounds the corner bringing the group back to the Center a half hour after they began. (Bottom row, center) Lois invites 65 year-old neighbor Arnaldo Ferreira to sample some heart-healthy snacks when they return. (Bottom row, right) Staff member Paula J. Harrison invites group members to try a low-calorie "spritzer" made with four ounces of fruit juice and flavored water. Everyone commented on how much better they felt after the walk.

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