The national day of awareness about the importance of giving children a place to go after school was celebrated at the Citizens for Citizens program at 427 Robeson Street on October 12, 2006. The event was first launched in 2000 by the After school Alliance to ensure that all children have access to quality after-school programs by the year 2010. At CFC, parents were invited to fill out a paper cut-out of a light bulb with the reasons why after-school care is so important for them. The statements were then sent to area legislators to urge them to provide more funding. Studies of Massachusetts children find that only 11 percent of children in working families are in after school programs, leaving 31 percent at home with no adult supervision. Project Director Eloise Carrier also talked about the quality environment for children in these program where kids interact with other children under adult supervision and learn a variety of social skills. "This is far better than the majority of children who spend time after school indoors with video games and television," noted Carrier. The CFC program is open to children from kindergarten to 13 years of age. More information can be obtained by calling 508-675-2154. Other after school programs are operated by the YMCA on North Main Street and the Family Service Association.


(Top row, left) Twelve year old Tyler Botelho, eleven year old Kaylyn Vasconcellos and ten year old Alex Lastra serve as greeters at the door of the program at 427 Robeson Street. (Top row, center) Celeste Sierra works on her Light Bulb statement with her 12 year old son Carlos. (Top row, right) Autumn Raposo, 9, and Adnria Crancha, 8, work on school work together. (Bottom row, left) Teacher Crystal Maltais helps a number of children with their homework. (Bottom row, center) Six year old Joey Lopez plays with his friend Kyle Manchester, 8. (Bottom row, right) Mrs. Sierra leaves the event with her children and a lot of new information.

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