For the past six months, the Outreach and Education Program of the Massachusetts Association of Portuguese Speakers has supported and outreach worker to Fall River street people, including the homeless and professional sex workers, who are not likely to avail themselves of health services in clinics and private doctors' offices. Susana Ponte is employed locally by the Seven Hills Behavioral Health/PYCO (formerly the Portuguese Youth Cultural Organization) to befriend Portuguese-speaking people on the streets of Fall River and to offer health information, referrals and assistance to reduce the spread of hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and other diseases that might affect this population. While most of her work takes place in local shops, stores and restaurants, some of her time is spent with a member of the STEP Outreach Team from the Center for Human Services in New Bedford going to local bars that are known to be frequented by sex workers. This difficult but important work helps to reduce the rapidly rising incidence of chronic illnesses among this vulnerable population. Further information about the program can be obtained by calling Susana at 508-679-0962.


(Top row) Susana meets with many people just by spending time in local coffee shops where she encounters many of her clients on an informal basis. (Middle row, left) Susana meets once a week with clients of the Habit Management methadone clinic. (Middle row, right) Susana talks with one of the proprietors of a bakery that is frequented by Brazilian immigrants, many of whom are unaware of their ability to access local medical services. (Bottom row) Susana talks with Maria of the Brasil Coffee Shop on Pleasant Street who helps her by giving Susana's business card to people who inquire about local social services.


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