When visitors enter the City, they are greeted by a number of welcoming signs originally planned by the Clean City Committee. These locations at the President Avenue rotary, the Brightman Street traffic divider at Route 79, the Route 79 exit from the Braga Bridge, and at the north and south entrances on Route 24, each welcome people as they enter the city with a sign and colorful plantings. Each location is maintained on a voluntary basis by local businesses. One example of this cooperative venture is the President Avenue rotary maintained by Ron Ferris, owner of the Venus DeMilo Restaurant. Mr. Ferris also donates flowers and the labor to maintain the Brightman Street entrance on Route 6. Click here to see the Route 79 entrance. These projects are a great example of how any group can pitch in and help to make Fall River a cleaner place to live and work, one of the Healthy City goals of Cleaner Streets and Parks.


(Top row) Michael Borges places new flowers along the flower bed directly in front of the "Fall River Welcomes You" sign at the President Avenue rotary. (Middle row) Tiberio Borges works hard to dig up another part of the flower bed along the extensive flower bed behind the rotary sign. (Bottom row, left) Salvina Furtado puts the finishing touches on the plantings before completing the work. (Bottom row, center) Flowers at the Brightman Street entrance to the city on Route 6 greet vehicles coming from Somerset.

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