An estimated 20 to 30 million Americans over the age of 60 are at risk for vascular disease and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), serious problems that can lead to long-term disability or sudden death. Vascular diseases, such as carotid artery disease and peripheral artery disease (PAD), cause blockages that often lead to stroke. Early detection of these conditions can lead to treatment that can prevent these outcomes. Medtronic, Inc. provides Life Line Screenings at sites across the country to permit anyone to have a free or low-cost screening. On December 6, 2006, Charlton Memorial Hospital hosted a free screening for local residents aged 60 and older with risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and pulmonary disease at the New Boston Medical Center. Additional screenings are offered from time to time in the Southeastern Massachusetts area. For further information, log onto the Life Line Screening web site.

(Top row, left) A patient signs in with Life Line receptionist Amanda Hunt at the New Boston Road Medical Center, 373 New Boston Road, Fall River. (Top row, right) Life Line New England General Manager Donna Pires goes over brief medical information with Ann Spillane of Wareham. (Middle row, center) Cardiovascular technologist Lihn Nguyen uses ultrasound equipment to evaluate carotid artery blood flow in Daniel McDonald of Fall River. (Bottom row) Elizabeth Simmons of Assonet is seen by medical technician Charles Adejayan who performs a peripheral artery disease screening by taking blood pressure of both her arm and her ankle.

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