America's Promise Week, June 11th through June 16th, was celebrated in the Fall River City Council Chambers on June 14, 2007 by the Healthy Youth Task Force and Mayor Edward M. Lambert, Jr. The mission of America's Promise is to mobilize people from every sector of American life in order to build the character and competence of our nation's youth by fulfilling Five Promises: 1) Provide ongoing relationships with caring adults; 2) supply safe places with structured activities during non-school hours: 3) Provide for a healthy start and future; 4) Offer marketable skills through effective education; and 5) Present opportunities to give back through community service. This special week was the culmination of the work accomplished by youth leaders responsible for the Mayor's 5th Annual Youth forum. "Our goal is not only to become a Community of Promise, but also to become one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People," stated Christian McCloskey, Fall River Youth Services Coordinator and Co-Chair of the Healthy Youth Task Force. For more information, contact Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419.

(Top row, left) Co-Chair of the Healthy Youth Task Force Jamison Souza and Paula Harrison of HealthFirst Family Care Center talk about Promise Three, a Healthy Start and Future, on WSAR radio on June 13th. America's Promise was featured every day of the week on the Kerry Rodrigues show. (Top row, center) Ryan Frazer, center, introduces himself at the presentation held in the City Council Chambers. (Top row, right) Brenna Riley describes Promise 1, Caring Adults  (Middle row, left) Durfee High School Peaceful Coalition advisor Tom Khoury accepts a citation from Alex Madison-McCloskey. (Middle row, right) America's Promise Fellow Ine Ogagan is introduced to the audience. (Bottom row, left) Mayor Lambert holds the America's Proclamation aloft. (Bottom row, center and right) Kristina Marchand tells the audience what to look forward to as America's Promise rolls out over the coming years and is congratulated following the event by Diman Key Club advisor Susan DeJesus.

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