Bristol Community College (BCC) was the site of its first "Students as Colleagues" Leadership Conference on March 30, 2007, in the Commonwealth College Center. Organized by BCC's Service-Learning Coordinator Dr. Mary Zahm, the conference featured presentations by Dr. Franklyn P. Salimbene, Director of the Bentley College Service-Learning Center and students from the program. Salimbene noted that community Colleges can have a significant impact on addressing local community needs, and service-learning programs help to develop a stronger connection to the community. Scott Morency, the Graduate in Residence for the Bentley program, described his experiences working with fourth and fifth grade students. Owen Bacewicz talked about his work coordinating the English Language Learners program at Bentley. BCC's service-learning center's encourages students to address community needs while earning academic credit. Some of the projects have included tutoring, environmental clean-up work and translation work for community agencies. To read the Herald News article about the conference, click here. For more information about Service Learning at BCC, contact Dr. Mary Zahm at 508-678-2811, Ext. 2579.


(Top row, left) BCC student Nina Pitts, involved in the community as coordinator of the 2006 Voter Registration Campaign, moderates the morning program. (Top Row, center) Service-Learning Program Coordinator Dr. Mary Zahm and Student Conference Coordinator Daureen Lingley-Chor welcome over 100 conference participants. (Top row, right) Bentley College Graduate in Residence Scott Morency describes the value that service learning has had in his development. (Middle row, left) Healthy City Fall River coordinator David S. Weed, Psy.D. offers conference participants the Healthy City index of community projects as an easy way to find service-learning possibilities. (Middle row, right) Massachusetts Senator Marc Pacheco describes proposed plans to establish a Commonwealth Student Corps program as part of the Governor's current legislation. (Bottom row, left) Dr. Franklyn P. Salimbene talks about how Bentley College's service-learning program has transformed the entire college. (Bottom row, center) Mass Water Watch volunteer Kelleigh Eastman underscores the value of service-learning in her career development. (Bottom row, right) Bentley College sophomore Owen Bacewicz entertains the crowd with some stories of his experiences in service-learning.

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