Community Development Recreation recently opened a Neighborhood Fitness Center using space and newly-acquired equipment at their Bank Street location. Located on the second floor of the Armory, the Fitness Center offers state-of-the art equipment, a satellite link for an LCD television, and a training schedule that will accommodate nearly everyone. And the fees are very reasonable: only $40 from January 22nd to march 30th, 2007. Group fitness training is also available twice a week (6:00, 7:00 & 8:00 a.m.) for an additional $120 or three times a week (5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.) for $180. The Fitness Center is open to those 16 and older Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and on weekends from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A Fitness boot Camp will be offered for children from 10 to 17 on Saturday mornings for $40 from January 20th through March 10th, 2007. Contact CD-REC at 508-679-0522 or Program Director Grace Gerling.

(Top row, left)  Physical fitness trainer John Botelho motivates his trainees to adhere to a challenging work-out six times a week. (Top row, center) CD-Rec Community Development and Recreation program coordinator Jamison Souza gets started on one of the two elliptical trainers. (Top row, right) Trainee Jenn Ferreira helps herself to a much-deserved drink of water after a work-out on the treadmill. (Middle row, right) CD-Rec Director Grace Gerling cools down after a long run. (Bottom row, left) Trainer Botelho demonstrates the benefits of jumping rope for both coordination and endurance. (Bottom row, center) Tom Kerrigan does some crunches in the large work-out room. (Bottom row, right) Under Botelho's guidance, Jamison jumps well off the floor in an exercise called an Ultimate Burpee, a combination of a squat-thrust and a jump squat.

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