A standing-room-only crowd gathered on June 7, 2007, at Bristol Community College to hear Department of Public Health Commissioner John Auerbach describe the challenges to public health in Southeastern Massachusetts and to take testimony and questions from participants. The event was one of eight similar events health throughout the Commonwealth to enable citizens to query the new commissioner. The nearly-three-hour session began with a summary of public health data including figures on population characteristics, disease prevalence and Department resources. Central and Southeast regional office staff were on hand to respond to questions of the more two hundred people gathered in the auditorium. Commissioner Auerbach then fielded questions for more than two hours covering everything from funding for HIV/AIDS to tobacco prevention efforts. He thanked those who were working on the various public health efforts in Southeastern Massachusetts and praised them for their dedication to improving the public's health. For more information, contact Ron O'Connor, Southeast Regional Manager for the Bureau of Family and Community Health , at (781) 828-7700.

(Top row) Commissioner Auerbach welcomes those assembled for the dialogue including  D.P.H. Chief of Staff Monica Valdes Lupi, Kristen Golden, Tom Lyons and Andi Epstein listen to the Commissioner's presentation. (Middle row, left) Julianne Kelly of the Diabetes Association, noting the high rate of diabetes in Bristol County, asks about national prevention models that could be employed to identify pre-diabetics. (Middle row, right) Southeast regional D.P.H.staff Maria Evora-Rosa and Fernanda DeSousa listen to the data presentation. (Bottom row, left) Judith Coykenall of Partners for Clean Air/Seven Hills, Karen Fischer of B.O.L.D. and Fall River Tobacco Control Coordinator Marilyn Edge are pleased to hear that tobacco prevention funding will be increased this year. (Bottom row, center) Commissioner Auerbach responds to testimony from advocates. (Bottom row, right) Fall River Department of Health and Human Services Director Michael Coughlin thanks Commissioner Auerbach for his presentation and advocacy for public health in the Commonwealth.

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