Fall River Educational Television (FRED-TV) located at B.M.C. Durfee High School held its second annual Video Festival on May 11, 2007, to recognize the creative talent of dozens of students in the Fall River Schools. Director of Media Technology Rene Kochman and Executive Producer and Instructor Pauline McGrath at FRED-TV awarded prizes in six categories: PSA, Mini-Documentary, News, In-studio, Miscellaneous and School Spirit. "These productions truly portray the voice and vision of our students," commented Kochman. "Students have really put themselves into their work over the year." Several of the submissions featured themes about environment and health, including the major production, “The Bus Stop”, as well as several PSA's dealing with health themes. Sam Biltcliffe produced a short film on obesity. Durfee student Amber Burns won a state-wide prize in the National Student Television Awards for Excellence contest in Boston on May 12th for her public service announcement (PSA) "HIV-Get Tested" on Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Students from the Henry Lord Middle School also submitted work from their class with Frank Ray. For more information about FRED-TV, contact Ms. McGrath or Mr. Kochman at 508-675-8128.

(Top row. left) Pauline McGrath listens as Habib Semaan talks about his work with students. (Top row, center) Jordan Gagne, Nikky Messier and Leeanna Durart chat in the Durfee High School theatre lobby before the award presentations. (Top row, right) Mr. Semaan appears in the award-winning video spoofing global warming produced by Caitlin Carvalho. (Middle row, left) Ms. McGrath and Mr. Kochman welcome students, parents and friends to the event. (Middle row, right) Ms. McGrath presents Amber Burns with an award for being an outstanding and most helpful student. (Bottom row, left) The audience views “The Bus Stop”, an 18-minute video depicting health crises in the lives of teenagers that premiered at the Healthy City Fall River awards dinner. (Bottom row, center) Student Sam Biltcliffe produced a PSA on the topic of obesity. (Bottom row, right) Jessica Garcia produced a mini-documentary video titled "Anorexia", which placed in the top 5 of the mini-documentary category, that included an interview with Pat Bebo of the UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program.

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