Parents, children and staff of the William S. Greene Elementary School on Cambridge Street spent Saturday, October 27th, 2007, cleaning up and beautifying the school grounds. Organized by Principal Vivian Kuss and Vice-principal Maria Pontes as part of the national Make a Difference Day, the clean-up resulted in a more attractive school environment including new plantings near the entrance. This event addresses one of the Healthy City priority areas of Cleaner Streets and Parks throughout the city. The Department of Public Works will assist any group that wants to organize a similar neighborhood clean-up by supplying tools and picking up trash. City-sponsored clean-ups this summer included the Bank Street Clean-up, the clean-up at Father Diaferio's Development, the Maplewood Park clean-up, the Peaceful Coalition Clean-up, the Sandy Beach clean-up, the Taunton River clean-up, the Smudge the Grudge graffiti removal and the annual St. Anne's Hospital Mission Day Clean-up.  For more information about the Greene School project, contact Principal Kuss at 508-675-8325.


(Top row, left) Principal Vivian Kuss admires new flowers planted by kindergarten teacher Frank Ferraz near the entrance to the school. (Top row, center) Two-year-old Joey Francisco helps his mom Brenda, right, and Carol Ventura with the clean-up. (Top row, right) Principal Kuss gets ready to do some more plantings. (Middle row, left) School custodian Paul Gagnon, who recently transferred to the Greene School, is pleased with the work. (Middle row, right) Mr. Ferraz helps Joey trim the hedges. (Bottom row, left) Fourth grade teacher Lisa Faria works with Vice-principal Pontes to clean up the entrance. (Bottom row, center) Buddy French and his sister Brittany pause for a minute after completing their work. (Bottom row, right) Eleven-year-old Francis Pazyra III and his mother Kathleen split a well-deserved donut with Principal Kuss.



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