One of the biggest health challenges that the City of Fall River faces is the high rate of substance abuse, including the use of opioids such as heroin and Oxycontin, the very potent and highly addictive prescription pain-killer. Suboxone, a relatively new medication for the treatment of opioid dependence, can be prescribed to addicts in a doctor's office without the rigorous procedures required for the dispensing of methadone. As such, it is a powerful tool in assisting heroin addicts to stop using and can be the first step toward a drug-free life. The medication is currently prescribed by small number of Fall River physicians and the Habit OPCO, SSTAR and HealthFirst clinics. The B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition arranged for a presentation to Fall River community leaders at an educational forum held at the Venus deMilo Restaurant in nearby Swansea on September 7, 2007. Dr. Christopher Lukonis, medical director of the Habit OPCO (formerly Habit Management) clinic on Front Street in Fall River, gave a brief presentation and then engaged the audience in a question and answer session. Clinical Educator Kristen Araujo of Reckitt Benckiser, the medication's manufacturer, was also available to answer questions. For further information about Suboxone, contact Ms. Araujo at 1-800-444-7599, Ext. 8125 or at 401-316-1551. For information about B.O.L.D., contact Program Director Karen Fischer  at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources at 508-324-3537.

(Top row, left) Clinical Educator Kristen Araujo, M.Ed., QMHP, of Reckitt Benckiser welcomes the audience to the presentation and discussion emphasizing the opportunity to ask questions of the speaker. (Top row, center) Dr. Lukonis presents an overview of heroin addiction and the use of Suboxone in treatment as  Susan Wolfson and Karen Fischer of B.O.L.D., Fall River School Superintendent Nicholas Fischer, and Dr. Jay Schachne, founder of the Katie Brown Educational Foundation, listen. (Top row, right) Ms. Breton talks with B.O.L.D. Coalition vice-chair and local pharmacist Tom Pasternak, R.Ph., who helped to plan the event. (Middle row, left) Lt. Jim Keighley of the Fall River Police Department vice unit, who has attended similar presentations given to the Fall River police, and Dr. Schachne, listen to the presentation. (Middle row, right) Dr. Lukonis takes questions from the audience. (Bottom row, left and right) City Councilor and Sandy Beach Neighborhood Association Chairperson Pat Casey asks a question during the presentation and speaks with Dr. Lukonis individually. (Bottom row, center) James Bartley of the Lower Highland Historic Downtown Neighborhood Association,left, poses a question about the potential for violence of heroin users as Sue Phenix, right listens.

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