Some of the members of Team F.R.E.S.H. conducted a surveys of tobacco advertising signage at local stores during January 2008 as part of a Reduce Tobacco Use mini-grant awarded to Fall River for a youth-oriented project of the Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program and Mass Youth Against Tobacco. The project complements "The 84 ", a project that gets its name from the 84% of Massachusetts youth who do not smoke.  Students were looking to see which stores maintain tobacco advertisements outside and inside the store. Stores earn significant fees from tobacco companies for signage placement. Signage is more prevalent in lower-income and minority communities and serves as an inducement for smoking, especially among youth, despite sales restrictions. Signs are often placed at eye-level so they are more likely to be seen by children. A similar survey project was also conducted in Boston. For more information about the survey project, contact Youth Services Coordinator Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419.

(Top row, left) Isaiah Darby, Sarah Madison-McCloskey and Heather Grothe observe the point-of-sale tobacco advertising at a chain pharmacy which is relatively restrained. (Top row, center) Heather, Isaiah and Alex Madison-McCloskey take note of the tobacco signage placed at eye level for children outside of another store. (Top row, right) Heather, Sarah and Isaiah note the much larger signage behind the counter of the same store. (Middle row, left) the team makes note of another store without any external tobacco advertising. (Middle row, right) Catherine Cabral and Isaiah Darby get instruction from Youth Services Coordinator Christian McCloskey on how to record their observations. (Bottom row, left and right) Alex, Catherine and Isaiah begin the scoring process. (Bottom row, center) Sarah and Heather look over some of the educational material from "The 84" project provided by the Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program.

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