Weed and Seed, a community-based strategy sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), is an innovative, comprehensive multi-agency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization. The strategy involves a two-pronged approach: law enforcement agencies and prosecutors cooperate in "weeding out" violent criminals and drug abusers and public agencies and community-based private organizations collaborate to "seed" much-needed human services, including prevention, intervention, treatment, and neighborhood restoration programs. A community-oriented policing component bridges the weeding and seeding elements. Fall River's Maplewood and Corky Row neighborhoods were targeted along with East Main Street for receipt of funds that would accomplish these goals. A National Night Out event was held in 2006. Pamela Cruz of the District Attorney's Office requested that Fall River community police officers and other community leaders meet to recommend activities that carry out Weed & Seed goals in the target area, and a meeting was held on July 19, 2007 at St. Mark's Church to begin the process.

(Top row, left) Officer Kelly Furtado listens to a presentation about the goals of the Weed and Seed program. (Top row, center) Rev. John Hopkins, President of the Corky Row Neighborhood Association, describes some of the problems in the Corky Row neighborhood that could be addressed through funding provided by the federal program. (Top row, right) Fall River Housing Authority Youth Services Director Joseph DaSilva, Rev. John Hopkins, Bristol County Workforce Investment Board staffer Mary Walek, Maplewood Neighborhood Association president Jeanne Santos and Department of Social Services Director Sandy Fitzsimmons listen as Community Coordinator Maureen Estes summarizes the requirements of the program. Dale Brown of SSTAR and Peter McCarthy of the Boys & Girls Club of Fall River were also in attendance. (Middle and bottom rows, left) Fall River Police Sergeant Jack Silva talks about some of the programs that the police have been providing, including the Teen Police Academy and Community Policing programs. (Middle row, right) Mr. DaSilva talks about some of the opportunities that the housing developments could provide residents. (Bottom row, center) As Fall River Youth Coordinator Christian McCloskey listens, Mary Walek describes some of the employment services that could be focused in the Weed and Seed target area. (Bottom row, right) Ms. Estes records suggestions that will be developed into a proposal for presentation at the steering committee meeting.

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