Residents of the Bay View Independent Living Facility at 4380 North Main Street get to go bowling twice a week, but they never have to leave their facility to visit a bowling alley. Using technology pioneered by Nintendo, residents get to bowl, play tennis or golf, or even box, using a wireless controller and moving the same way they would in a real game. "This game really gets people moving," commented Director of Resident Service and Care Referral Judy Lachance. "We can play any time we want, and we don't have to arrange transportation," she added. Bay View staff introduced the game system several months ago, and it's been a big draw ever since. Tournaments are now arranged between facilities, though the game system can be played using internet connections between opponents using systems anywhere in the world. Players not only get terrific exercise, they also enjoy some great socializing, recalling sports games of their younger years. "This kind of system has the potential to open up a world of physical activity, not only to seniors but to anyone who has a system," commented William Girrier, Chief Operating Officer for The Home. Click here to read the Providence Journal article about the program here to read the Herald News article, and here to listen to the Marketplace story about senior Wii bowlers. For more information about the program at Bay View, contact Judy Lachance at 508-677-0833.

(Top row, left) As Director of Resident Services and Care Referral Judy Lachance and CEO Bill Girrier watch from the back of the room, Anna Pierce rolls a strike as she competes against John Correia and Lois Bogle seated in the front row. (Top row, center) Anna hands off the Wii controller to John for his turn. (Top row, right) Anna and David Pierce watch as John bowls his first line. (Middle row, left and right) David bowls a line followed by opposing team member Lois. (Bottom row, center) Bay View and Cottage residents Barbie Norris, Elinor Teasdale, and Anna Pierce applaud the winning score.

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