The Coalition Against Poverty (CAP) and Coalition for Social Justice (CSJ) held their 13th annual banquet and awards ceremony at White's Restaurant on June 7, 2008. The CAP empower large numbers of current and former welfare mothers and low-income working people by developing leadership through vigorous public education and action campaigns for economic survival. The CSJ was formed in January, 1995, to build a grassroots peoples’ movement to fight for economic and social justice in Southeastern Massachusetts. The Alliance for a Healthier Tomorrow used to forum to advocate for the Safer Alternatives Bill (S-2481) that would provide a program in Massachusetts to replace toxic chemicals in consumer products and industrial uses with safer alternatives whenever possible. After numerous awards were presented to outstanding community leaders, activists and elected officials, Congressman Barney Frank who represents parts of Fall River and Greater New Bedford, shared his observations on the state of the economy and the energy and housing foreclosure crises. Click here to read the Herald News article about the event. For more information , contact the organizations at or .

(Top row, left) Congressman Barney Frank greets some of his many constituents at the gathering at White's Restaurant. (Top row, center) Mother Anna Senna, granddaughter Te-Ana Davis and daughter Ginny Senna-Davis of the Diabetes Association sit together at the United Interfaith Action table. (Top row, right) Members of the Townehouse Clubhouse join others at the buffet table. (Middle row, left) Liam Michalewich proudly displays his grassroots activism award that he and eighteen other from Fall River received. (Middle row, center and right) CAP-CSJ organizer Dan Gilbarg introduces Massachusetts Representative David Sullivan who addresses the audience of several hundred. (Bottom row, left) Folk musician and local activist Bill Harley of Seekonk entertains the crowd with a few of his numbers. (Bottom row, center) Congressman Frank talks about the importance of regulation in a democracy.

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