When it comes to getting children to eat a more nutritious diet, how food is prepared and served is often as important as what is offered. Fall River elementary school cafeteria staff attended a training session just before the start of school on  August 28, 2008 to prepare them to offer children in grades one through three more nutritious meals. The Tufts University’s “Children In Balance” (CIB) program is replicating its successful Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project in Fall River during a two-year study. Staff from Tufts is also working with the school’s food service to enhance the quality and quantity of healthy foods for students. In addition, activities are being added both during and after school to increase children’s activity levels and to decrease “screen time” at home on computers and television. The program also works with families and child-serving agencies to improve nutrition and fitness levels. "In many ways, we are just putting in place what has already been planned in the school's Wellness Plan," commented school nutrition director Lynn Petrowski. "Though it will take time to make these changes, in the end we will have healthier children," she added. Click here to see photos of one of the teacher training sessions. For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228.


(Top and middle rows) Tufts University Research Assistant Bridgid Junot goes over the approach that the Children in Balance program uses to help move children to embracing more nutritious foods at the training session held in the B.M.C. Durfee High School Keeley Library. (Top row, left) Cafeteria staff listen intently to the presentation. (Top row, right) Project Manager Marcia Picard and UMass Amherst Nutrition Education Program Director Pat Bebo listen. (Bottom row, left) Participants take a break between sessions of the two-hour training. (Bottom row, right) Program Coordinator from Tufts University Elizabeth Nahar responds to some of the questions about the program.


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