Fall River elementary school teachers attended the first of several trainings in early August 2008 that will prepare them to teach children in grades one through three how to eat nutritiously and to play actively.Tufts University’s “Children In Balance” (CIB) program is replicating its successful Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project in Fall River during a two-year study. Tufts is working with the school’s food service to enhance the quality and quantity of healthy foods for students. In addition, activities are being added both during and after school to increase children’s activity levels and to decrease “screen time” at home on computers and television. The program also works with families and child-serving agencies to improve nutrition and fitness levels. "This program is moving the school system ahead in implementing its Wellness Plan," commented school health director Susan Sterrett who helped to author the plan. "Staff training is the first step," noted Project Manager Marcia Picard. "We are also involving agency staff and parents as we move along through the year," she added. For further information about the project, contact Ms. Picard at 508-324-2228.


(Top row, left and center) Fall River elementary school teachers listen as Project Manager Marcia Picard offers some recommendations on approaches to introducing the curricula to the students. (Top row, right) Teachers Donald MacKenzie and other teachers listen to the presentation. (Middle row, left) Teachers enjoy a lighter moment during the training session. (Middle row, right) Program Coordinator from Tufts University Elizabeth Nahar congratulates the teacher for participating in the project. (Bottom row, left) Teachers, including Nancy Rodriques, along with Ms. Nahar and Bridgid Junot, Research Assistant from Tufts, enjoy hearing Fall River Health and Human Services Director Dr. Henry Vaillancourt welcomes them to the former Henry Lord school where he attended seventh grade.



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