The Community Learning Center (CLC) at the Viveriros Elementary School held an opening event for local officials on October 30, 2008, a month after the schedule of evening programs began. Parents and children arrived for a Halloween costume party arranged by staff of the Community Development Recreation program, part of the evening recreational program for children that runs each evening that the program is in operation. Mayor Robert Correia welcomed local officials and gave an explanation of how the Center is designed to serve adults who have not completed school and wish to return to get their GED or to learn English as a Second Language (ESOL). He praised People, Inc. CEO and Executive Director Robert Canuel for putting the program together, modeled after others in the region that he visited with the Mayor. Click here for the October 2008 schedule. Click here for the Herald News article about the event. Click here for photos of the original organizational meeting. For further information about the CLC, contact Coordinator Larry Snyder at 508-679-5233, Ext. 33.

(Top row, left) Jill Cabral walks in for the Halloween costume party with five-year-old Healey Dacunha. (Top row, center) Three-and-a-half-year-old Kevin Amaral and his younger sister, Destiny, enter with their aunt and mother, January and Misty Souza. (Top row, right) CLC Coordinator, Larry Snyder, points to the food in the Center's food pantry, available to families who use the facility. (Middle row, left) City grant writer Jane Dibiasio, Viveiros School principal Kristen Farias, State Senator Joan Menard, City Councilor Steve Camara and Implementation Team member Beverly Poitras listen as Mayor Correia introduces People, Inc. CEO and Executive Director Robert Canuel who was responsible for developing the Center. (Bottom row, left) Senator Menard talks with computer literacy teacher Kate Carter. (Bottom row, center and right)  M. Paula Raposa, executive director of the local SER-Jobs for Progress, talks with some of Ms. Carter's students and then meets with ESOL instructor Maria Resendes.

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