When the San family immigrated from Cambodia to Fall River seventeen years ago, they brought their language and their culture with them. Part of that culture was the food that their family has been eating for generations. Unfortunately, many of the foods which they traditionally cook are not always available in Fall River. But for Thy San and his family, a backyard garden means that they can raise many of the foods that they prefer. Thy and his mother work hard every year to make sure that the garden at the back of their East Main Street apartment is full of their favorite foods. In a similar way, families who come from an English tradition or a Portuguese tradition also raise backyard gardens that ensure that their family traditions are maintained. For a Herald News article about backyard gardening, click here. For those who do not have garden space, a community garden can be used. For those who cannot raise their own, fresh vegetables can also be purchased from the Kennedy Park Farmer's Market and the Ruggles Park Farmers Markets. 

(Top row, left ) Thy hoes some water grass that is used in a lot of Cambodian meals. (Top row, center) Thy holds a Cambodian yard long string bean that is well over a foot long. (Top row, right) Thy tends some tomato plants. (Middle row, right) His garden even includes some grapes. (Bottom row, center) Chinese cabbage is a favorite. (Bottom row, right) Taro plants used in cooking begin to grow.

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