As part of its commitment to meet the education needs of Fall River's non-English-speaking populations, the Diabetes Association, Inc. (DAI) held its first Latino Open House on June 28, 2008. As in its sessions designed to reach Portuguese-speaking people, this session was held entirely in Spanish and served to introduce Community Health Worker Grace Diaz, who recently joined the DAI staff. The program also included a presentation by Endocrinologist Roberto Ortiz, M.D. from Diabetes and Endocrinology Associates in Providence and by SSTAR Joan Barrett, R.D., from the Nutritional Counseling Service at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources. The program was attended by about twenty people from Fall River's growing Latino community, including Hector Racine from the Latino Expreso who will be publicizing these services in Southeastern Massachusetts. For more information about these programs, contact Amber Vlangas at the Diabetes Association at 508-672-5671.

(Top row, left) Endocrinologist Roberto Ortiz, M.D. begins his presentation on the causes and medical management of diabetes before the all-Spanish-speaking audience at the Diabetes Association, Inc. headquarters on Pleasant Street. (Top row, center) Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) Community Health Worker Sonja Talavera and Antonia Acevedo listen intently to Dr. Ortiz. (Top row, right) Yania Marcelino and Sonja Talavera look over the Spanish language literature on diabetes. (Middle row, left and right) Dr. Ortiz goes over a detailed explanation of the cause of diabetes while Miguel Martinez and Yamia Rivera listen. (Bottom row, left and right) DAI Community Health Worker Grace Diaz and SSTAR registered dietitian Joan Barrett go over some of the dietary strategies for managing diabetes. (Bottom row, center) Grace Diaz, Joan Barrett, Dr. Roberto Ortiz, DAI Interim Director Amber Vlangas and DAI diabetes advocate  Virginia Senna-Davis pose for a photo.

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