Joey DaSilva, the director of the of the Fall River Housing Authority Youth Services Department, organized Easter Egg hunts for children in eight Housing Authority developments during the two weeks prior to Easter 2008. The very popular events brought kids from ages two to twelve out of their homes for some great heart-healthy activity with their friends. Parents got involved, too, and shared in the excitement. This activity is one example of the many activities organized by the Housing Authority to build community and promote health among over 20,000 residents of public housing in Fall River. To see pictures of last year's event, click here. To see other activities for youth that take place in the housing developments, click here and here. For more information about this and other activities in the Housing Authority developments, contact Youth Coordinator Joseph DaSilva at 508-675-3527.

(Top row, left and center) Mr. DaSilva gives instructions for the Easter Egg Hunt to the children from the Pleasant View Housing Development before they take off running in search of eggs that he has hidden around the development. (Top row, right) Parents Dana Gonzalez and Cicely Cunningham watch the action from the sidelines. (Middle row, left) Five-year-old Melissa Barros finds some eggs. (Middle row, center) Nine-year-old Jaileen Gonzalez races across the field in search of eggs with winning prize numbers. (Bottom row, left and center) Eleven-year-old J.J. Gonzalez fills his mother's shirt with eggs, including a gold egg that he can exchange for a prize. (Bottom row, right) Mr. DaSilva hands out prizes to everyone with a numbered egg.

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