The Fall River Master Planning process resumed on April 9, 2008, at the William S. Greene Elementary School auditorium. Representatives of Community Preservation Associates of Arlington, MA, offered a presentation of their analysis of the opportunities and challenges that would have to be addressed to produce a higher quality of life and increased economic growth over the next fifty years. Citing a rich historical and cultural heritage, Brian Barber, Project manager for Community Preservation Associates, went on to describe a vision for the City. Participants in the open public forum were then divided into four groups where they had an opportunity to respond to what had been presented. Input from these groups will be incorporated into the final recommendations and implementation plan to be presented in a final report later this year. Click here to see photos of the April 18th and May 16th, 2007, Master Planning meetings. For more information about the process, contact Planning Director Jim Hartnett at 508-324-2561.

(Top row, left and center) Brian Barber, Project manager for Community Preservation Associates, begins the meeting with a summary of their analysis of the City's strengths and challenges. (Top row, right) Ray Leary of Save Our Neighborhoods, Don Gagne, City Councilor Cathy Ann Viveiros, and Al Lima gather around several of the city maps prior to the beginning of the meeting. (Middle row, left) Deborah and Richard Pelletier, center, listen intently to the presentation. (Middle row, right) Director of Planning Jim Hartnett explains the meeting process. (Bottom row, left) George Jacome asks the members of his break-out discussion group to introduce themselves. (Bottom row, center) Everett Castro watches as Brian Barber and Joe Marshall set up a tablet to record input from his discussion group. (Bottom row, right) City Grantwriter Jane Dibiasio gives instructions to the members of her discussion group.

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