Since October, 2008, Municipal employees at Fall River's Government Center have been participating in a Mega Mileage Club that encourages employees to increase their walking. Part of the Municipal Employee Wellness Program, the program has encouraged dozens of city workers to engage in walking and other exercise and to keep track of it as part of a group effort. Initially, the goal was to record enough miles to get to Orlando, FL. "The group was doing so well that we decided to make San Francisco our new goal," reported Julie Kelly, Municipal Employee Wellness coordinator. "People have really been making a sustained effort," she added, noting the enthusiasm with which employees have been participating.  Participants have been encouraged to use the ten walking routes designated by the Healthy Lives Program, as well as other routes of their own choosing. Employees have also been encouraged to take the stairs rather than the elevator when going between floors in the building. A reception was held in the newly-completed atrium at Government Center to announce their success and to draw prizes for participants. For more information about the Municipal Employee Wellness Program, contact Julianne Kelly at 508-324-2405. (Photos Marcia Picard, Dave Weed)


(Top row, left) Jenna Lagasse of the Health Department, Joanna Mateus and Municipal Employee Wellness Coordinator Julianne Kelly stand next to the map of the U.S. showing the progress of their walking group. (Top row, center) Children in Balance Project Manager Marcia Picard and Jenna Legasse hold their cards showing the number of steps they walked. (Top row, right) Paula Ferland and Dale Hayden stand next to the display with photos of San Francisco. (Middle row, left) Melinda Waring draws raffle tickets for the prize winners. (Middle row, right) Janice Paul and Geri Anger, R.N. of the Health Department receive prizes. (Bottom row, left) Julie Kelly holds up packages of Rice-a-Roni, symbolizing San Francisco. (Bottom row, center and right) Mayor Robert Correia draws a ticket for the grand prize as Jenna, Health and Human Services Director Henry Vaillancourt and Julie Kelly look on.

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