Municipal employees at Fall River's Government Center were able to sample a smorgasbord of wellness information and resources available to all 3,000 City employees at a wellness fair held on September 10, 2008. Employees learned about the bicycles available for free loan through the Municipal Employee Wellness Program, the ten walking paths designated by the Healthy Lives Program, smoking cessation resources through the Tobacco Control Program, information about family disaster planning from the Medical Reserve Corps Program, and information about food choices through the Children in Balance Project. In addition, materials were available describing other community resources available to city employees. For more information about the Municipal Employee Wellness Program, contact Julianne Kelly at 508-324-2405.


(Top row, left) Brenda Ritz of the Health Department hands Manny Pereira a walking path brochure. (Top row, center) Children in Balance Project Manager Marcia Picard describes a booklet that illustrates healthier food product choices. (Top and middle row, right) Municipal Employee Wellness Coordinator Julianne Kelly describes the City's bicycle loan program to Susan Ashley as Fall River Police bicycle safety officer Mike Silvia listens in the background. (Middle row, left) Healthy Lives Program Coordinator Mike Ramos describes the City's walking routes to employees and signs them up for a walking group at Government Center. (Bottom row, left) Brenda Ritz and public health nurse Margaret Canulla hand out materials on family disaster planning from the Medical Reserve Corps Program to Laurie Lapointe and Chris Tetrault. (Bottom row, center and right) Mary Mullarky and her co-worker Claudia St. Pierre-Mello enjoy the materials.

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