In mid-November 2008, the Peaceful Coalition at B.M.C. Durfee High School arranged for the use of the CD-REC gymnasium in the Veteran's Memorial at 72 Bank Street for a Friday afternoon open gym program for Fall River youth. Over seventy-five youth showed up each of the first two weeks that the program was in operation. "We've been very pleased with the participation for such a spontaneous event," stated CD-REC Program Director Jamison Souza who helped to arrange the program. "We're now planning to open the facility two afternoons a week through the winter months so that more youth can have the opportunity to engage in fun, physically active activities," he added. Durfee High School health teacher Laura Murphy and student advisor Tom Khoury were present along with several of the City's Youth Outreach Workers and CD-REC staff to supervise the event. For more information about the program, contact CD-REC Program Director  Jamison Souza at 508-679-0922.

 (Top row) Fourteen-year-old Elijah Tores of Kuss Middle school, thirteen-year-old Kyle Brooks from Morton Middle School, and fourteen-year-old Jacob Lloubet of Durfee High School jump off of the vault under the watchful eye of Case High School gymnastics instructor Erin Machado and Durfee High School health teacher Laura Murphy. (Middle row, left and right) Nineteen-year-old Durfee students Chris Wilkerson and nineteen-year-old Bristol Community College student Johnny Meas practice their hip-hop moves on the mat at one end of the gym. (Middle row, center) CD-REC Program Director Jamison Souza walks out of the gym after over 75 Fall River youth arrive for basketball, gymnastics and hip-hop dancing activities on Friday afternoon. (Bottom row, left) YouthBuild grad assistant Luke Berube moves past Durfee High School student Bryan Felix in one of two pick-up games at the gym. (Bottom row, center) Youth Outreach Workers Jordohn Bileau and Tom Texeira work with the kids who came to the open gym. (Bottom row, right) Fourteen-year-old Kuss Middle School student Lusi Jimenez dribbles past thirteen-year-old Terry Chrispin, also a Kuss student.

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