Project ALERT, a substance abuse prevention and early identification curriculum, held its last class at the St. Ann School on April 11, 2008. Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) was awarded a multi-year grant by the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS) to teach the curriculum in Fall River Schools from 2005 to 2008. Project ALERT is designed to prevent adolescents from beginning to use drugs, and to prevent those who have already experimented from becoming regular users. The curriculum motivates adolescents not to use drugs and, by teaching them skills, to translate that motivation into effective resistance. The lessons that focus on norms, beliefs about drugs, and intentions help motivate adolescents not to use. Those that focus on how to identify and resist pressures stemming from the availability of drugs, and from pressures to use, stress skills. Click here to see photos of a Project ALERT class at St. Ann School in 200t. For more information about the project, contact Mike Aguiar at 508-324-3598.

(Top row) BCC Service-Learning student Joe Iamarone teams up with eighth-grader Leah Benoit to teach the Project Alert curriculum in the sixth grade at St. Ann School. (Top row, center) Leah and fellow eighth-grader Brandon Halbardir, who assist in teaching the curriculum, greet SSTAR Youth Program Coordinator Mike Aguiar and Joe Iamarone as they arrive at the St. Anne School for the weekly class. (Top row, right) Christian Lotz takes a test designed to measure what he has learned in the 11 lessons that are  taught once a week during the first year, plus 3 booster lessons that are delivered in the following year. (Middle row) Joe poses questions about how to resist offers to use tobacco and other drugs in Sandra Thibeault's sixth grade class. (Bottom row) Students Steen Knight, John Ferrell, Merissa Carroll and Makaila Moniz role-play how to resist and offer to engage in drug use as Mike Aguiar looks on.

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