As part of the city-wide Fitness Challenge, participants were invited to join personal trainer Amy Jones from CD-REC's fitness center for the second challenge event on March 22, 2008, starting at the bottom of Fall River's famed "Seven Hills". The event took participants up the steep hill along President Avenue, down Snake Hill Road, up and down the concrete bleachers five times, and up and down a steep hill three times before finishing with a stretching cool-down. Over twenty-five people took part in the event, including five students and two staff of the St. Vincent's Home. Participants earned a chance to win one of the many raffle prizes. Click here for pictures of the previous Challenge event and links to other Challenge programs. Contact Bill Daponte at 508-672-5671 or CD-REC Program Director Grace Gerling, 508-679-0922, for more information about the Challenge.

(Top row, left) As CD-REC Director Grace Gerling listens, personal trainer Amy Jones of  Where Is The Work-Out describes the challenge that will take participants to the top of the "Seven Hills" of President Avenue for first part of the challenge . (Top row, middle) Manny Silva, a participant in last year's Diabetes Association's "Do a Little - Get a Lot" program at Lightolier, heads up the hill at a good pace. (Top row, right) Janet Souza and other participants start to "feel the burn" as they proceed up the the steep hill. (Middle row, left) Marilyn Tripp and Amy Medeiros approach the top of President Avenue before heading down Snake Hill Road to the concrete bleachers. (Middle row, center) Amy Medeiros, Marilyn Tripp,  Janet Souza, Christine Bollin, Manny Silva, Judy Macedo, Amy Jones and Grace Gerling cheer the completion of the challenge. (Middle row, right) Donald Bezina III leads two students from St. Vincent's Home up the hill three times with the other participants. (Bottom row, left) Manny Silva completes five runs up the bleachers. (Bottom row, center)  Family Resource Center staff members Judy Macedo and Christine Bollin join Grace Gerling in a post-challenge stretch. (Bottom row, right) Manny and Donald complete their stretches following the half-hour event.

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