Eighteen affordable apartment units for low income elderly were dedicated on April 10, 2008 by Diocesan Vicar General John A. Perry, representing Bishop George A. Coleman. The imposing granite and marble structure, originally built in 1907 as a Dominican rectory, will provide subsidized housing for elders and handicapped adults. Catholic Social Services (CSS) and Community Action for Better Housing (CABH) completed the $5 million project using funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development obtained through the City to convert the former rectory of St. Anne’s Church at 818 Middle Street. Each of the apartments has it own bath, dining and living space, and kitchen area complete with appliances, and some units are equipped for handicap access. Click here for the report in the Anchor. Click here for the report in the Herald News. For more information, contact Catholic Social Services at 508-674-4681.


(Top row)  The Rev. Msgr. John A. Perry offers a blessing of the Diocesan-owned facility as Catholic Social Services Executive Director Arlene McNamee and Dennis Cadulla listen. (Top row, right) Ms. McNamee thanks the many people who contributed to the completion of the facility. (Middle row, left) Mayor Robert Correia congratulates the Diocese for making the facility available to the many low-income elders and disabled person who will use the facility in the coming years as project director Ed Allard, right, listens. (Middle row, left) Community Action for Better Housing (CABH) board members Audrey Poitras and Jeanne Santos, left, listen as Ms. McNamee thanks them for their work over the past three years on the project. (Middle row, right) City Councilor Steven Camara presents a citation from the City Council to Ms. McNamee for their work on the project. (Bottom row, left) A photo on exhibit at the dedication shows a worker doing some of the work on the 100 year-old-facility that had to be totally rebuilt on the inside. (Bottom row, center) Ms. McNamee escorts one of the guests through the facility. (Bottom row, right) Catholic Social Services staff member Debbie Scholes and visitor David Cavaco look over one of the apartments.

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