About 100 local leaders, decision-makers, municipal representatives and students gathered  in the Woodland Common at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth on October 16, 2008, to discuss regional energy, water, agriculture, economic development, natural resources, land use, and a variety of other issues in a Sustainability Exchange sponsored by the Office of Campus and Community Sustainability. "This was one of several opportunities to discuss current planning efforts within the Region among those who are involved at all levels," commented Director Susan Jennings. "We continue to offer a number of opportunities to identify potential structures for collaboration and action through forums like this," she added. Additional programs and events are listed on a quarterly calendar maintained by the office. "These meetings are an invaluable resource for improving the health of Fall River and other Southeastern Massachusetts communities that want to improve the quality of life both now and in the future," noted Healthy City Fall River coordinator David S. Weed, Psy.D.For more information about the initiative, contact Susan Jennings at 508-910-6484. Click here for photos of a University-Community Collaboration Charrette held in June, 2007.

(Top row, left) Dr. Susan Peterson of SRPEDD welcomed the participants to the four-hour session. (Top row, center) Former New Bedford Mayor and Sea Education Association president John Bullard recounted some of his experiences in advocating for sustainable development in New Bedford. (Top row, right) Fall River Housing Authority Director of Facilities Management Peter Proulx describes some of the work he is doing in energy conservation within the federal housing developments. (Middle row, left) UMass-D Community Service Coordinator Deirdre Healy holds up a tee-shirt from the Farmers' Market that the Fairhaven sustainability has recently created along with other local initiatives. (Middle row, right) UMass-D education professor Laurie Robinson makes a point about the importance of public health in discussions of sustainability as Missy Stults, Senior Program Manager for ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability and Bristol Community College social science professor Nancy Lee Wood listen. (Bottom row, left) SRPEDD director Steve Smith displays a copy of the December, 2007 Report of the Futures Task Force that details sustainability challenges for Southeastern Massachusetts. (Bottom row, center) UMass-D Office of Campus and Community Sustainability Director Susan Jennings poses with Healthy City Fall River Coordinator David Weed during a break. (Bottom row, right) Clean Air-Cool Planet Communications Manager Bill Burtis describes a new Campus Carbon Calculator™ that makes it easier to map carbon reduction projects.

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