Underage drinking continues to be a leading public health problem in the United States, and in Fall River. Alcohol use threatens the safe and healthy development of more young people than any other substance—even more than tobacco and illicit drugs. In 2006, 174 people in Massachusetts died of alcohol-related car crashes, almost one every other day. Town Hall Meetings, like the one held on April 8, 2008, at Bristol Community College (BCC), are part of a national effort to increase understanding and awareness of underage drinking and its consequences, and to encourage individuals, families, and communities to address the problem. Kim Rodrigues, Communication Coordinator for the B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition brought together major speakers on the topic and invited participants to give feedback on how they see the problem and what they are willing to do about it. Click here for the Herald News article about the event. For more information about the problem of underage drinking in Fall River and what you can do to prevent it, contact Program Director Karen Fischer, director of the BOLD Coalition, funded by a SAMHSA grant,at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources at 508-324-3537.

(Top row, left) BCC students Jordan Feijo, Brittany Lafleur and  Matthew Antunes look over newspaper reports of alcohol-related deaths in the Fall River area. (Top row, center) Jendel Oliveira, Crystal Carreia, Rosanne Pinto, and Janice Velozo discuss the impact of underage drinking. (Top row, right) Assistant Bristol County District Attorney Garret Fregault describes his experiences in prosecuting drunk drivers. (Middle row, left) Fall River School Department Health Director Susan Sterrett, BOLD Coalition Director Karen Fischer, and BCC Vice-President of Academic Affairs Sarah Garrett are handed survey forms by BCC student Joe Iamarone. (Middle row, right) BOLD Coalition Communication Coordinator Kim Rodrigues gives participants instructions on how to complete the survey. (Bottom row, left) Linda Chaves, R.N., talks about her personal experience as an emergency room nurse in Newport, R.I., and the loss of her son to a one-car accident in which he was found to have a blood alcohol content more than twice the legal limit. (Bottom row, center) Jolene Gamba and Crystal Carreiro complete their surveys. (Bottom row, right) Rosanne Pinto signs a large poster board that will be on display around Fall River.


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