During the summer of 2008, Fall River youth learned the value of a job well done while building their academic skills. The Youth Work and Learning Program is a collaboration with the office of Mayor Robert Correia, the Fall River Career Center, Fall River Public Schools, and the Bristol Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Youth aged 16-18 attend English math and science classes from 8:00-11:00 a.m. to build academic skills, gain credits toward graduation, and prepare for MCAS testing. At Noon, students and teachers/supervisors report to worksites around the City. at the worksites, students apply classroom skills to real world applications, including painting projects and office work at Government Center and CD-REC, and maintenance and grounds work at Durfee High School and the Fr. Diaferio, Fordney Street and Oak Village housing developments. For more information, contact Project Director Rob Correia at 508-675-8100, Ext., 1294.

(Top row, left) Liz Martin helps clean part of the Father Diaferio Housing Development basketball courts. (Top row, center) Jared Davis, Alexis Andrade and supervisor Dan Molvey rake up a section. (Top row, right) Brandyn LePage and Caree Smith work together on the project. (Middle row, left) Jessica Insanna, Ed Muladan, Victor Gross and John Camacho work on an English project. (Middle row, right) Science teacher Mary Waleck goes over a point with one of the students. (Bottom row, left) Jessica Forcier reads along as her teacher, Kerry Tracey, reads a short story aloud. (Bottom row, center) Students listen to Miss Sale in her English class. (Bottom row, right) Math teacher Bryan Fitzgerald works with Jared Davis and Jose Serrano.

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