A cutting-edge partnership between the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the YMCA of the USA is working to develop and implement policy, systems, and environmental change strategies that can help prevent or manage health-risk factors for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and arthritis. The ACHIEVE program (Action Communities for Health, Innovation, and EnVironmental changE) provides funds to selected organizations to strengthen community leadership, build capacity, and activate change. The YMCA Southcoast was selected in March 2009 as one of 43 communities nationwide to develop specific activities directed toward reducing tobacco use and exposure, promoting physical activity and healthy eating, and improving access to consistent, high-quality preventive health services. New Bedford YMCA director Nancy Bonell invited members of a CHART Team who will work together over the next two years to a first meeting on May 20, 2009 to begin planning for the Southcoast region. The group began by reviewing the health challenges for the region and reviewing assessment tools for schools, worksites, healthcare settings, community institutions and the community-at-large. Click here for the Standard-Times article. For further information about the project, contact Nancy Bonell at 508-996-9622 X 25.

(Top row, left) YMCA director Nancy Bonell introduces Hunger Commission of SE Massachusetts director William Shell to New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park superintendent Jennifer Nersesian before the meeting begins. (Top row, center) Nancy Bonell welcomes member of the CHART team to their first planning meeting at YMCA headquarters at 18 South Water Street in New Bedford. (Top row, right) Southcoast Hospital Group Cardiovascular Prevention Program nurse clinician Donna Querim, RN, BS, MS, JD, reviews the health demographics for the Southcoast Area. (Middle row, left) Partners for Clean Air director Judith Coykendall makes a point while Southcoast Hospitals marketing director Kerry Mello and Catholic Social Services executive director Arlene McNamee listen. (Middle row, center) Southcoast YMCA CEO Gary Schuyler describes the next steps for the group. (Middle row, right) American Heart Association corporate events director Melyssa Beaudry responds as Southcoast Hospitals vice-president of marketing Jim Rattray listens. Bottom row, right) Judith talks with Donna and Fall River Children in Balance project manager Marcia Picard. (CHART Team members not pictured include Amanda Szot of Southcoast Hospitals, Maria Evora-Rosa of the Mass. Dept. of Public Health, State Representative John Quinn, New Bedford Health Department director Marianne DeSouza, Old Rochester Regional Junior High School principal Kevin Brigioli and Dartmouth resident Mark Kruger.

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