Bristol Community College is partnering with community members and organizations to establish an organically-maintained community garden at the Fall River Campus. Produce from the garden will be distributed to local food kitchens and other charities. All community members and organizations are invited to be involved in the project, scheduled to begin this summer. Informational meetings will be held on May 23, 2009 at 10 a.m. in the Siegel Health Technologies building, on May 27 at 1 p.m. also in the Siegel Health Technologies building, and on June 4, at 5:30 p.m. in the Commonwealth College Center. The idea for the garden stemmed from the development of the organic agriculture technician certificate that will be offered at BCC starting in the fall. An informational meeting concerning the progress of a proposed community garden project on the campus of Bristol Community College was held on May 18, 2009 with Peter Schuyler of the Division of Mathematics, Science and Engineering. The meeting provided an update of the progress to date, and preparation for upcoming community meetings, projects and formalization of the membership of an advisory group. Click here for the press announcement. Click here for information about the Healthy City community garden project and here for a presentation on plant and seed selection. For further information about the BCC project, contact Peter Schuyler at 508-678-2811, Ext. 2214.

(Top row, left)  School communication director Sally Cameron suggests some of the people that she would like to see involved in an advisory board. (Top row, center) Bristol Community College professor Nancy Lee Wood discusses how students in the new Organic Agriculture Technology program might help with the project. (Top row, right) Peter Schuyler of the Division of Mathematics, Science and Engineering suggests some of the elements that will have to be considered in organizing a well-run gardening project. (Middle row, center) Machine operator Justin McCann uses a backhoe to remove some of the larger rocks in the planned community garden area at the southern boundary of the campus. (Middle row, right) Professor Schuyler poses some additional questions after hearing suggestions from BCC Dean of Academic Affairs, Sarah L. G. Garrett, J.D. (Middle row, right) Chris Shannon, director of the Tech Prep program, listens as Megan Abella-Bowen, director of the SMART Project, speaks. (Bottom row, left) Linda Danzell of the school administration, Eric Cameron and Sally Cameron of the school communication office offer their suggestions for upcoming community meetings to be held at the College. (Bottom row, right) Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Sharon Davis listens as associate vice-president of academic affairs Mike Vieira suggests some additional resources that can help the project succeed.

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