The Diabetes Association, Inc. (DAI) brought information on the rising incidence of diabetes associated with increases in obesity to students at Bristol Community College on March 5, 2009, at the invitation of the student health service. Staff from the DAI and BCC's Fitness Center joined nurse Carol Constantine at a table set up in the cafeteria where students eat to bring information that they might not otherwise seek. The need for information was spurred by both the increase in overweight students as well as students who are older and more likely to develop symptoms of diabetes. "Many students are simply not aware of their level of risk," commented Constantine. "We want them to make modifications in their behavior before they develop a serious illness," she added. Volunteers were also available to give information on Food Addicts in Recovery. For more information about diabetes, contact John Quintas at the Diabetes Association, Inc., at 508-672-5671.

(Top row, left and right) Fall River student Dennis DeMedeiros talks with Diabetes Association (DAI) staff member Grace Diaz about diabetes management. (Top row, center) Adjust economics professor Mike DeLuz talks with John Quintas of the DAI. (Middle row) BCC Student Health Service nurse Carol Constantine tests glucose levels and chats with student Nathan Marshall of New Bedford. (Bottom row, left) Kate Sweeney and Jill Millot talk with Ms. Diaz. (Bottom row, center) Ms. Constantine points out the amount of sugar in a common fruit drink to Brittany Lafleur, Mathue Days and Chrissy Fernandes as others look on. (Bottom row, right) Jason Galli, Brittnany Lafleur, and Mathue Days looks at the bottle of soda that Meagan Soares holds up with sugar packets taped to it to illustrate the amount of sugar in most drinks, one of the most important contributors to the rise in obesity.  

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