The Building Our Lives Drug-free (BOLD) Coalition and the Fall River Herald News co-sponsored a mayoral candidates' debate at Bristol Community College on September 3, 2009. BOLD sponsored the debate to provide a forum for citizens to gather information and form an opinion as to which mayoral candidate is best suited to support and enact the policy changes necessary to create a health community for youth. The mission of the BOLD Coalition is to prevent and reduce alcohol and drug abuse among youth by collaborating with the community to initiate policy change, raise awareness, modify social norms, educate youth and adults, and promote healthy activities. "It is important to the mission of BOLD to have policy makers in office that share the Coalition's vision and will help us facilitate our policy change initiatives," stated moderator Jim Philips reading a statement prepared by Coalition spokespersons. Click here for the Herald News coverage of the event. For more information, contact BOLD director Karen Fischer at 508-324-3537.


(Top row, left) Andrea Cane and Beth Ann Henrigues listen as Building Our Lives Drug-free (BOLD) director invites them to sign up for the BOLD e-newsletter. (Top row, center) Mayoral candidates Manuel O. Alves, Steven A. Camara, Robert Correia, Will Flanagan, Raymond E. Hague and Cathy Ann Viveiros are introduced by moderator Jim Philips. The seventh candidate, Mike Raposa, did not attend. (Top row, right) Fall River Herald News editorial page editor Patrick Luce, BOLD advisory board member Rev. Ruth Chartier, and Sophea Kim of the Peaceful Coalition listen to candidates' responses after posing questions. (Middle row, left) Moderator Jim Philips holds candidates to the agreed-upon rules and time limits. (Middle row, right) Audience members included Scholarship America founder Irving Fradkin, right. (Bottom row, left) Current mayor and candidate Robert Correia shares a lighter moment with candidate Will Flanagan. (Bottom row, right) Helena Monseur applauds the candidates in the Jackson Arts Center auditorium.

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