While the arts are growing in Fall River, many young people who have an interest in graphic arts, dance or music have few avenues to connect with local artists. The Mission-Vision Committee of the B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition wants to create a means by which this can happen as part of its goal to spearhead a community wide effort to establish a place for youth 17-21 to socialize, create and enjoy the arts. A group of local artists and older youth were invited to participate in a brainstorming session at the Eagle Restaurant on January 31, 2009. Facilitated by Jenny Diblasi of United Neighbors, the group worked for two hours to come up with initial ideas on how young adults could be given a venue to connect with local artists and performers. The group decided to continue meeting over the next few months to see how such an effort could be developed. Click here for a video about a similar effort in New Bedford. For further information, contact BOLD staff member contact Susan Wolfson at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources, 508-235-7032.

(Top row, left) BOLD Coalition's President and Coordinator of the Bristol Community College Center for Developmental Education Ron Weisberger chats with Fall River artist Sean Foley and filmmaker Paul Martin of Fire City Pictures, who produced a number of youth-oriented videos for Southcoast Hospitals. (Top row, center) Musician Russ Orcott and local artist Brian Levesque talk with local clothing designer Patrice Cloutier of Arts United/Fall River. (Top row, right) Local woodworker and furniture designer Zeke Leonard and BOLD staff member contact Susan Wolfson talk with painter-photographer and Arts United president Jeff Carpenter. (Middle row, left) Zeke offers his thoughts on how to bring artists and youth together as Jeff Carpenter and local musician Chad Wilusz listen. (Middle row, center) United Neighbors Executive Director Jenny Deblasi leads the group discussion on the dance floor of the Eagle Restaurant on North Main Street. (Middle row, right) Paul Martin, Sean Foley and Ron Weisberger listen to some of the ideas. (Bottom row, left) Patrice Cloutier suggests that the group continues to meet as B.O.L.D. volunteer Amy Curry Bassett. (Bottom row, center) B.O.L.D. volunteer Jay Hennings urges the group to take action on the suggestions. (Bottom row, right) Patrice suggests some dates for the next meeting.

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