The Shepherd Center, an interfaith volunteer organization, held its annual Buttercup Tea on May 20, 2009, at the United Parish Church on Wilson Road. About thirty seniors enjoyed tea and finger sandwiches and the chance to enjoy each other's company for the mid-afternoon affair. The purpose of the Center is to improve the image of aging and empower mid-life and older adults to use their talents, skills and wisdom for the good of their peers, the community and themselves. Volunteers from the Shepherd Center provide friendly visiting to seniors as well as accompanied trips to doctors' offices, shopping and other trips. A volunteer group provides instruction one day a week at Borden East in making prayer shawls for Hospice patients. Other groups include exercise groups, a low vision group, a fellowship group, brown bagging and Lifetime Learning presentations during both fall and spring semesters. Click here for photos of the 2007 event. For more information about the group, e-mail Kathy Brennan or call the Shepherd's Center office at 508-678-7575.

(Top row, left) Lorraine Sherry, Jane Robinson and Donald Pacheco help themselves to finger sandwiches and other treats. (Top row, center) United Parish pastor Rev. Ruth Chartier offers grace as . (Top row, right) Shepherd's Center Board of Trustee member Betty Sullivan pours a cup of tea for Sue Correia. (Middle row, left) Julie and Christine Cleare receive cups of tea from Board member Monica Curhan. (Middle row, center) Cecile Aubin of First Baptist Church selects one of the finger sandwiches next to a display of buttercup flowers. (Middle row, right) Gloria Franco and Agnes Lafley of Holy Name Church talk about this year's Lifetime Learning classes. (Bottom row, left and right) Shepherd's Center director Kathy Brennan reviews some of the year's highlights as Elfried Burket, Sue Correia and Estelle Roach listen.

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