Mayor Robert Correia and various directors of programs funded by the City's Community Development Block Grant were on hand at the Niagara-Maplewood Senior Center to celebrate the 35th anniversary of  National Community Development Week on April 15, 2009. City councilors Linda Pereira, Leo Pelletier, Ray Hague and Steve Camara joined representatives from several local nonprofit community agencies for the event that included a lunch provided by the Council On Aging. National Community Development Week is celebrated by local community development agencies across America during the week of April 12 through April 18. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds made available by HUD provide programs such as job training for the unemployed, senior citizen programs and services provided for persons with disabilities and children of low-income families. In FY 2001, the program received $4.406 billion in formula funding. By FY 2007, formula funding had been reduced to $3.58 billion and remains at that level today. Click here for the Herald News article about the event. For more information, contact


(Top row, left and right) City Councilors Steve Camara, Ray Hague and Leo Pelletier listen as Dr. Henry Vaillancourt praises the services that are provided through Community Development funds. (Middle row, left) COA Board Members Helen Piper and Edith Quintin are introduced at the event. (Middle row, center) Michael P. Dion, Community Development Agency Assistant Director, COA Assistant Director Pauline Gousie, Mayor Correia, Public Works Director Ken Pacheco, Assistant to Congressman Jim McGovern Patrick Norton, and Health and Human Services Director Henry Vaillancourt, M.D. pose for a group shot. (Middle row, right) COA Board Member Arthur Oldrid applauds Chairperson Colette Couture as she is introduced. (Bottom row, left) Over two hundred people were in attendance at the event. (Bottom row, left) Loretta Gaudreau, Al Couto, Priscilla Furtado, Mary Couto & Betty Perry listen to the presentations. (Bottom row, center) Pauline Gousie and Mike Dion respond to a lighter moment in the ceremony. (Bottom row, right) COA Board Members Arthur Oldrid, Zephir R. Roy and Helen Piper enjoy the luncheon.

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