Fall River elementary school cafeteria staff attended their second Children In Balance-sponsored training session just before the start of school on  September 9, 2009, to prepare them to offer children more nutritious meals. The Tufts University’s “Children In Balance” (CIB) program is replicating its successful Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project in Fall River during a two-year study. Staff from Tufts is also working with teachers on nutrition instruction and physical activity.. In addition, activities are being added both during and after school to increase children’s activity levels and to decrease “screen time” at home on computers and television. The program also works with families and child-serving agencies to improve nutrition and fitness levels. "We are working to implement the Farm To School program that brings more local produce into school cafeterias, said school nutrition director Lynn Petrowski. "The staff are learning how to prepare more fresh fruits and vegetables rather than using canned and frozen foods," she added. Click here to see pictures of last year's training.  For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228.


(Top row. left and right) Cookbook author Amy Cotler, who developed the Massachusetts Farm to School Cookbook, demonstrates how to prepare salads using fresh produce. (Top row, center) Fall River Schools assistant food service manager Lynn Petrowski, who worked with Ms. Cotler on the cookbook, brings some freshly-washed greens to the prep table. (Middle row, left) Food service workers Mary Sewell and Robert Rozycki enjoy a lighter moment in the training. (Middle row, right) Food service workers Celia DeAlmeida, Beverly Strout and Judy Alston listen intently as Ms. Cotler goes over some pointers. (Bottom row, left and center) Ms. Cotler brings some baked croutons to add to salad as Judy Alston and Mary Sewell line up to sample some.

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