Tufts University’s “Children In Balance” (CIB) program that is replicating the Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project in Fall River schools held a Farmers' Market event at the Greene Elementary School on June 11, 2009. Project Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomed over two hundred parents and children to the school for an opportunity to purchase locally-grown food, talk with farm and health organization representatives, and participate in cooking lessons and dance instruction. Billed as CAMP night (Cooking And Movement with a Purpose), the event invited participants to get involved in each activity. Among the multiple aspects of the program are the Healthy Activity Active Time (HEAT) Clubs that are currently operating in twelve after-school programs. Click here for a video of the event. Click here to see the Herald News article about the event. Click here to see photos of one of the teacher training sessions. Click here to see photos of the food service employees training. Click here to see some of the school cafeteria meals.  For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228.


(Top row, left) Shellise Jackson talks with Sarah Cogswell of the Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership (SEMAP) (Top row, center) Six-year-old Sebastian Pereira colors a flyer about healthy snacks with his father, Joe Pereira. (Top row, right) Berkley farmer Antonio Coutinho talks with Gloria Combs about the fresh produce that he sells every Saturday at the Kennedy Park farmers’ market. (Middle row) Gloria and Stan Combs enjoy watching the Greene School Dancers perform. (Bottom row, left) Alicia Cronister and Shellise Jackson join in the dancing. (Bottom row, center) Kimberly Sporkmann of the University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program works with students to demonstrate some healthy cooking with fresh produce. (Bottom row, right) Mike Falcon leaves with one of the $50 food bags he won at the event.

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