The Fall River Children In Balance (CIB) program that is replicating the Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project held its seventh of nine "Farmers' Market" events at the Doran Elementary School on November 12, 2009. CIB project manager Marcia Picard and assistant principal Sandy Soderstrom welcomed dozens of families to participate in the nutrition and fitness program and the chance to take home $50 in fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods at the end of the night. Parents and children learned how to cook a healthy dish and to participate in twenty minutes of vigorous exercise. Click here to see the  video of the event. Click to see photos of similar events at the Greene Elementary School, the Letourneau Elementary School, the Silvia Elementary School, the Tansey Elementary School, the Viveiros Elementary School, and the Watson Elementary School. The Children In Balance project promotes Healthy Activity Active Time (HEAT) Clubs that are are run in twelve after-school programs.  For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228.

(Top row, left)  Children In Balance project director Marcia Picard welcomes parents and children to the evening's event as staff from People, Inc.'s Early Intervention Program look on. (Top row, center and right) Susana and Michelle Medeiros and Monica and Kalahan Briones, center, and Elena and David Price dance to the tune of "Y.M.C.A." (Middle row, left) University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program director Pat Bebo prepares an easy dessert using apples and cranberries as Kailee Mena, Michelle, Monica and Kalahan look on. (Middle row, center) Maria and Anthony Coutinho of Coutinho Orchards in Berkley, MA, help Luis Tabales pick out some fresh fruit from their orchard. (Middle row, right) Susana Medeiros, Derek Sebastino and Lucia DaRoias pay close attention to the cooking demonstration. (Bottom row, left) Participants flood the Community Marketplace with questions about the many agency representatives that were present. (Bottom row, center) Aidee and Brandy Rivera get the grocery bags that they won in the raffle run by Doran assistant principal Sandy Soderstrom.

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