The Fall River Children In Balance (CIB) program that is replicating the Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project held its fourth "Farmers' Market" event at the Frank M. Silvia Elementary School on October 27, 2009. The event featured fresh produce and a chance for parents and children to learn to prepare healthy dishes using fruits and vegetables. Parents and children were also invited to dance to the tune of the song "Y.M.C.A." in the gymnasium and to attend a community marketplace with displays by a dozen local agencies. Click here to see the video of the event. Click to see photos of similar events at the Greene Elementary School, the Viveiros Elementary School and the Watson Elementary School. The Children In Balance project promotes Healthy Activity Active Time (HEAT) Clubs that are are run in twelve after-school programs.  For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228.


(Top row, left) Liz Tivron speaks with Joey Tryon, M.D. of Southcoast Hospitals about medical services available through their group practice. (Top row, center) Third-grader Jayden Rios hands out stickers at the SSTAR Family Health Care Center booth as his mother, Keisha DeJesus talks with a parent. (Top row, right) Children In Balance project director Marcia Picard welcomes parents and children and explains how the evening will go. (Middle row, left) Kimberly Peixoto, Ian Whitman, and Kareem Mahmoud watch as Yasin Mahmoud measures some chopped vegetables with the help of nutrition educator Lauren Coll and University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program director Pat Bebo. (Middle row, center) Mike and Suzanne Ramos lead parents and children in some heart-healthy exercises to music in the gymnasium. (Middle row, right) Kolby Peixoto serves sample of their recipe to parents. (Bottom row, left) Marcia Picard talks with Maria and Anthony Coutinho of Coutinho Orchards in Berkley, MA. (Bottom row, center) School principal Denise Ward calls out raffle ticket numbers for ten families to receive $50 grocery bags of healthy foods. (Bottom row, right) Mason McMahon picks up a winning bag for his mother, Christine.

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