The Fall River Children In Balance (CIB) program that is replicating the Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project held its sixth "Farmers' Market" event at the James Tansey Elementary School on November 5, 2009. Ten families were welcomed by CIB project manager Marcia Picard and Principal Kristen Farias and offered to take home $50 in fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods at the end of the night. The event gave parents and children the chance to learn some healthy cooking skills, some important facts about nutrition, and to get some fun exercise to music. Click here to see the  video of the event. Click to see photos of similar events at the Greene Elementary School, the Letourneau Elementary School, the Silvia Elementary School, the Viveiros Elementary School, and the Watson Elementary School. The Children In Balance project promotes Healthy Activity Active Time (HEAT) Clubs that are are run in twelve after-school programs.  For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228.


(Left column)  University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program nutrition educators Jessica Turner and Jessica Riccardi work with five-year-olds Smiles Dar and Adam Souza to prepare a healthy cranberry compote that eleven-year-old Briana Urena and her grandmother, Jackie Boutin enjoy. (Middle column) Children In Balance project director Marcia Picard points to the location where family members join fitness leaders Mike and Suzanne Ramos in the exercises to music. (Right column) UMass nutrition educator Ruth Desmarais challenges children to place pictures of food onto the correct part of the USDA food pyramid while Neil and Ethan Souza listen to the food demonstration. Neil picks up a grocery bag full of healthy foods for his family as Principal Kristen Farias and students Gabrielle Streeto, Emma Keene-Reinhard and Amaya Travassos watch.

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