Principals of Fall River's nine elementary schools were invited to a coffee hour at the Letourneau Elementary School on June 26, 2009 for an update on Tufts University’s “Children In Balance” (CIB) project in Fall River schools. Project Coordinator Marcia Picard summarized the many aspects of the program that address both nutrition education and  physical activity among elementary school-aged children. Principals from seven of the nine schools heard from the schools' food service assistant director Lynn Petrowski, University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program director Pat Bebo, and Healthy City Fall River coordinator Dr. David Weed. Ms. Picard also updated the group on the twelve Healthy Activity Active Time (HEAT) Clubs that are operating in after-school programs throughout the community as part of the Children in Balance project. She also pointed out that the program is helping to implement many aspects of the Fall River School's Wellness Plan. Click here to see photos from a similar meeting held in December. Click here to see pictures of the HEAT Club in action, here for pictures of a recent Farmers' Market event held at the Greene School, and here for a similar event held at the Viveiros School. For further information about the project, contact Project Manager Marcia Picard at 508-324-2228.


(Top row, left and right) Letourneau School assistant principal Janet Belanger and Spencer Borden assistant principal Michael Ward listen as In Balance project manager Marcia Picard welcomes the group to the session. (Top row, center) Greene School principal Vivian Kuss, University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program director Pat Bebo, and school food service supervisor Kelli Mello complete a form. (Top row, right)  (Middle row, left) UMass nutrition educators Louan Tavares and Kimberly Sporkmann talk with Pat Bebo. (Middle row, right) Food service supervisors Kelli Mello and Nancy McCloskey talk with food service assistant director Lynn Petrowski. (Bottom row, left) Spencer Borden principal Marie Woollam, shares a laugh with Tansey School principal Elizabeth Almeida as Silvia School principal Denise Ward looks on. (Bottom row, center) Letourneau principal Kim Sefrino and Doran School principal listen as Watson School principal Nancy Martin Bernier asks about other projects that will be available through the CIB project next year. (Bottom row, right) Viveiros school principal Kristen Farias and assistant principal Melissa Homol describe their recent Family Fitness and Fun Day.

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