Members of the B.M.C. Durfee High School Peaceful Coalition participated in a two-day retreat at the YMCA Camp Yomechas in Middleboro on June 12th and 13th, 2009, to work on team-building skills. This annual event provides members of Peaceful Coalition the opportunity to experience, many for the first time ever, a number of different activities aimed at increasing group cohesion and teamwork, and building trust. This was the first time Peaceful Coalition stayed overnight at the camp. It was a true bonding experience shared by all who attended this event. Members of the Coalition will continue to work together over the summer and return to school in the fall to  build the Coalition leadership for the next year. Click here for photos of the 2008 trip and here for photos of the 2006 trip. For more information about the group, contact student advisor Paul Leite. (Photos courtesy of Paul Leite)

 (Top row, left) Kyle Rego, Soklinn Meas, and Nico Chamorro try out a canoe on the lake. (Top row, right) Savy Chhem and Nico Chamorro check out they kayaks. (Middle row, left and right) Michael Nhem, Richard Mao and Steven Tith pose in one shot while Soklinn, Kyle, and Nico pose for another photo. (Bottom row, left) Some members of Peaceful Coalition pose for a picture with a snapping turtle making its way to the lake. (Bottom row, center) Peaceful Coalition Advisor Paul Leite and Fall River Housing Authority  Family and Youth Services Director Joey DaSilva pose for one final picture with Peaceful Coalition members before loading camping gear onto the bus. (Bottom row, right) Nico Chamorro and Jacob Lloubet play a tune while Saiy Sang and Peackdai Sun look on.

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